"Las Calaveras"

Just finished this one today.  I like the Mexican "Day of the Dead" celebration on November 1st as a prompt for art.  Although this was just for my personal fun, if it's a choice between Halloween and Day of the Dead, as an art prompt, I'd pick the latter, since witches are one thing I have not touched as a fantasy artist.  Simply because I'm not interested in them (not the vampires).

This summer has been really busy with commissions and I have not been able to do anything for my personal enjoyment art-wise until this piece, "Las Calaveras" (The Skulls).  I also got very sick (most likely from the West Nile virus) at the end of August, and when I was finally feeling well enough to sit at a desk, the pencil sketch of this came out really quickly.  Inking went pretty quickly as well.  Coloring took a bit extra simply because we just got us five new baby chicks and I was also finishing up the Annual Young Artists Contest on deviantART.com.  So many award certificates to make, so many notes to write to the winners and prize sponsors, and a big journal feature of winners -- all very tedious and time-consuming. ^^;

I can't wait to go to my Zazzle shop and make merchandise with this image.  It's been so long since I got to update my store or my web site with a new image. :D


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