BBC's Sherlock Fan Art - Chibi

   Suddenly and randomly, I made a fan art of Sherlock (chibi-fied or is it chibi-rized?).   The picture is a reference to the "Scandal in Belgravia" from season 2.

   I haven't drawn a fan art in a really long time.  The last one I did was of Sesshoumaru from anime series "InuYasha" and that was back in December of 2010 for an art trade.  Lately though, I have been working on  nothing but commissioned work for weeks.  Luckily, some clients ask me to do what I want to do after just giving me simple prompts/requests while other assignments can turn into tedious production work.

   "All work and no play" as the saying goes, was starting to drive me a little nutty.  The nuttiness must find some outlet in the form of 'art for fun' sometimes.  I hope some of you enjoy this. ^^  I had fun.


  1. I *love* this! You really captured each one of them. And the contrast between the figures and the blue "pastel" background is so perfect! Thanks for sharing!!


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