"Paper Crane (折紙の鶴) for Japan" -- just a quick snapshot ^^I got invited by a facebook friend to a paper crane folding party. I knew that this "Paper Cranes for Japan" thing got started right away after the disaster by StudentsRebuild.org in association with DoSomething.org, but I wasn't aware that the Bezos Family Foundation was donating $2 for each origami crane that is mailed to StudentsRebuild.org toward Architecture for Humanity's reconstruction effort in Japan. They are aiming for 100,000 paper cranes to be sent in to raise $200,000. If you make 50 of these, StudentsRebuild.org will send you a prepaid postage label to cover your shipping cost. I'm pretty fast at making paper cranes so I'm going to aim for at least that many in the next day or two.More information on this project can be found at the StudentsRebuild.org's information page. And here is the link to the Paper Cranes for Japan project's facebook page where you can post your crane and show support. I have made 38 yesterday, ran out of paper, but now found some more stashed away in the house. So I'll be making more today.
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